“Socially Zee are killing it for us.”

“This is a BIG step up from previous social media work that has been done for us.

The team have brought us excellent results in Tik Tok, this was an area we knew had potential for growth for our business and within a month and a half we had amassed 200k+ views on our videos on Tik Tok.

The team are friendly and creative to work with and we look forward to working with them again in future.”

Mohammed, Founder of Oxfitnesslab

How long does it take you to create the content?

Once signed up with us we take up to two weeks to get back to you with a full content calendar ready for you to approve.

Do you have a monthly contract in place?

Here at Socially Zee we are huge on forming great relationships with our clients, so we believe in working month to month rather than have either of feel that we are tied into a contract. We only ask that you give us a month’s notice if you wish to terminate.

Do you work with international clients?

Yes, so many of our clients work overseas! We just make sure to prioritise communication with them and either shoot content for them in house or give clear guidance on how they can do it themselves.

When will I start seeing results?

We can only guarantee clients in you are on our premium package. However we still get great results on our other package options. The more a client trusts us to run with our visions the quicker they see results.

How do you work?

You will receive a content calendar from us once every 2 weeks or once a month, depending on your package choice. It will then be sent out to you for approval ahead of posting incase you’d like to leave feedback.

Do you post for me?

Yes! Social Media Management is a ghost service. We are posting on your social media profiles, under your handles, as YOU. The only way someone knows it is us posting and not you is if you tell them.

What platforms do you manage?

Currently we specialise in Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. In select cases other platforms such as, LinkedIn can also be managed on a case-by-case basis. The reason being that LinkedIn is exclusively used as professional platform, and is used in a different capacity than other platforms.

Can I still post on my socials?

We prefer that clients don’t post alongside us, that’s what you’re paying us to do! It can mess up the grid we have carefully curated and alter the results that we aim to get for you. We do encourage you to post as much as you’d like on your stories though.

Why do I need a SMM?

Many make the mistake of thinking that social media is an easy as posting a few updates. It goes well beyond that and involves elements such as getting the right ratio of self-promotional content, including search friendly elements, leveraging different content types for maximum engagement, and being up to date with current trends. Effective social media management involves a carefully crafted and well thought out plan of attack that gets great results!

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